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Service and network reforms - Department of Transport and Planning

We’re developing new policies, adding services and making network reforms to support and complement our historic $90 billion investment in new transport infrastructure.

Modern, well-maintained infrastructure is critical to the transport system.

While we’re investing in new infrastructure to help keep up with demand and to improve access to transport for all Victorians, we need to complement this by making the best use of our existing network and services.

We need to get smart about how we grow the transport network to get people and goods where they need to go.

By optimising our existing networks and supporting more efficient modes of transport, we can get the most out of our investments and assets.

What this means

Making changes to polices, services and operations will increase the capacity of the network alongside our infrastructure investments.

Capacity can be increased by making the network more efficient and enabling more trips to be made more quickly through the same network.

For instance, the Ballarat Line Upgrade(opens in a new window) has allowed us to run 135 extra weekly services.

What we're doing

New routes, new services

We're updating commercial arrangements with bus operators to deliver better buses to our growing suburbs.

Roads running Well

Better technology, specialist staff and stronger clearways will help people and goods move around Melbourne.

Getting ready for the Metro Tunnel

We're adding more tram stops and more train services, more often.
