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Zero Emissions Bus Trial

As part of the Victorian Government’s commitment to achieving net zero emissions by 2045, all new public transport buses ordered from 1 July 2025 will be zero emission buses (ZEBs). Local content policy for manufacturers includes all Australian states and territories along with New Zealand. *See guidance for bus operators below.

As part of Victoria’s Climate Change Strategy, the Victorian Government pledged to take action to shift to zero emission transport powered by clean energy. Under the proposed Victorian ZEB Transition Plan, all new public transport buses purchased from 2025 will be Zero Emission Buses (ZEBs).

The transition to ZEBs is part of Victoria’s Bus Plan to deliver a modern, productive and environmentally sustainable bus network.

Hybrid buses currently operate in Melbourne and the Latrobe Valley, and ZEBs are being trialled throughout the state.

Transforming Victoria’s bus fleet of approximately 4,500 diesel buses to ZEBs is a significant undertaking and requires the Victorian Government, bus operators and the broader industry to work together.

Zero Emission Bus Trial

As part of the Victorian Budget 2020/21, the Victorian Government invested $20 million in a three-year state-wide trial of ZEBs, launched in 2022.

Six Victorian bus operators were selected to trial 52 ZEBs on existing routes across the state’s metropolitan and regional bus networks.

Lessons from the trials will pave the way for the transition of Victoria’s public transport bus fleet to be zero emission, providing practical information such as depot charging needs and capacity, infrastructure and energy network requirements, environmental outcomes, customer expectations and commercial arrangements.

The trials will also support the Victorian economy by boosting the transport equipment, manufacturing and electricity supply sectors, driving the local development of skills and innovation and contributing to economies with established bus manufacturers.

Zero Emission Bus Transition Consultation

The Department of Transport and Planning (DTP) has set out the proposed approach to the ZEB transition, together with some of the challenges and opportunities, in the Zero Emission Bus Transition Consultation Paper .

In August 2023, DTP undertook consultation on the proposed approach to the ZEB transition to bus operators, the bus and zero emission industry and interested Victorians.

In late 2023, DTP undertook further industry engagement, including specialised roundtables for regional bus operators.

The feedback gained throughout consultation will be used to determine the scope of any further direct engagement with stakeholders and help inform the final ZEB Transition Plan.

The final ZEB Transition Plan is expected to be released later this year, ahead of the policy commencement in mid-2025.

Engage Vic(opens in a new window)

Guidance for Bus Operators

*Following the Zero Emission Bus Transition Consultation Paper late last year, and the regional forums we can confirm that under the Government’s Zero Emission Bus (ZEB) Transition, all new public transport buses purchased from 1 July 2025 will be zero emission.

The Department of Transport and Planning(DTP) can also advise that to operationalise the Government policy, 1 July 2025 is the date from when orders for new buses must be zero emission.

This means diesel buses may continue to be ordered up to 30 June 2025, providing operators time to prepare for the transition and ensure service continuity.

DTP will continue to engage with operators on ZEB transition, including learnings and outcomes of the ZEB Trials, leading up to the release of the Transition Plan later this year.

DTP aims to provide as much guidance for bus operators transitioning to ZEBs. Please find a list of resources below:

Battery Electric Bus Guidance Document
PDF 3.33 MB
(opens in a new window)

More Information

Find more information on the following pages.

Metro and Regional Buses

Traffic & transport
