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Secondary: Pressure pix

We can be hurt and embarrassed by images of ourselves that are taken out of context and showed online.

What’s the issue?

Sometimes, when you’re partying and not thinking about tomorrow, unpleasant and unexpected things can happen. We all do some things that we later regret, the problem in this age of mobile devices is that these things can be recorded and shared with people who were never on the spot.

Because digital media is so easy to manipulate and because an image can be removed from its context, we can be hurt and embarrassed by images of ourselves that are manipulated and/or taken out of context and shared with others online.

Why does it matter?

  • We leave a digital footprint online that remains for a long time and this can have an impact on us later in life
  • The saying 'a picture is worth a thousand words' tells us something about the power of images and even if the image is not true or accurate the personal damage can be significant
  • There are laws about what is allowed to be sent electronically and it is possible that you and others may be acting illegally.


Talk with your friends about sharing images

It’s worth talking together about the problems that can arise when images of each other are posted on ‘Facebook’ or shared via mobile devices. You and your friends might decide to check with each other first before posting.

Wise up

  • There are actions you can take to limit the viewing of images posted to social networking sites (e.g. unfriending, untagging). If you don’t know how to do this, get some help from teachers at school
  • Find out what the laws are about posting and passing on images that have a sexual element to them.

Use your best instincts

Developing a personal 'compass' that helps you to make decisions is important. When you let other people persuade you to go against your instincts it might not be the best thing for you.

Printable advice sheets

To download a copy of this advice sheet, see:
