The following document library contains all the relevant information regarding the Fishermans Bend project.
To request an accessible Word version of a publication, email
Fishermans Bend Urban Renewal Area Draft Development Contributions Plan Consultation
Background Technical Studies
Fishermans Bend Urban Renewal Area Draft Development Contributions Plan Consultation - Background Technical Studies - Engineering Costs Background Street Quantities (GHD 2019)
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Fishermans Bend Urban Renewal Area Draft Development Contributions Plan Consultation - Background Technical Studies - Contamination Cost Information to Support Infrastructure Contribution Plan Fishermans Bend Redevelopment (Golder Associates 2 Dec 18)
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Fishermans Bend Urban Renewal Area Draft Development Contributions Plan Consultation - Background Technical Studies - Fishermans Bend Land Valuation Report - EY 2023
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Fishermans Bend Urban Renewal Area Draft Development Contributions Plan Consultation - Background Technical Studies - Fishermans Bend Update of Infrastructure Costs - Slattery 2023
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Fishermans Bend Urban Renewal Area Draft Development Contributions Plan Consultation - Background Technical Studies - Salmon Street Bridge Costing - Jacobs 2022
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Fishermans Bend Urban Renewal Area Draft Development Contributions Plan Consultation - Background Technical Studies - Intersection Quantities - GHD 2019
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Water Sensitive City Strategy
Fishermans Bend Water Sensitive City Strategy
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Urban Ecology Study
Fishermans Bend Water Sensitive City Strategy - Fishermans Bend Urban Ecology Study Volume 1
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Fishermans Bend Water Sensitive City Strategy - Fishermans Bend Urban Ecology Study Volume 2
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Fishermans Bend Water Sensitive City Strategy - Building Biodiversity into the Urban Fabric - a case study in applying BSU
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Fishermans Bend Water Sensitive City Strategy - Fishermans Bend Biodiversity Report
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Case Studies
Fishermans Bend Water Sensitive City Strategy - Case Studies - Mixed Use Development
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Fishermans Bend Water Sensitive City Strategy - Case Studies - Multi-Tower Development
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Fishermans Bend Water Sensitive City Strategy - Case Studies - Commercial Development
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Fishermans Bend Water Sensitive City Strategy - Case Studies - Townhouse Development
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Water Sensitive Drainage and Flood Strategy
Fishermans Bend Water Sensitive Drainage and Flood Strategy - GHD Final Report 2019
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Fishermans Bend Water Sensitive City Strategy - Water Sensitive Drainage and Flood Strategy - Appendix A Documentation of the Development of the Hybrid Approach - Collaborative Process
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- Fishermans Bend Water Sensitive City Strategy - Water Sensitive Drainage and Flood Strategy - Appendix B (part 1) Docmt of the Dev of the Hybrid Approach - Cross-Sect and Pres
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Fishermans Bend Water Sensitive City Strategy - Water Sensitive Drainage and Flood Strategy - Appendix B (part 2) Docmt of the Dev of the Hybrid Approach - Cross-Sect and Pres
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Fishermans Bend Water Sensitive City Strategy - Water Sensitive Drainage and Flood Strategy - Appendix B (part 3) Docmt of the Dev of the Hybrid Approach - Cross-Sect and Pres
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Fishermans Bend Water Sensitive City Strategy - Water Sensitive Drainage and Flood Strategy - Appendix B (part 4) Docmt of the Dev of the Hybrid Approach - Cross-Sect and Pres
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Fishermans Bend Water Sensitive City Strategy - Water Sensitive Drainage and Flood Strategy - Appendix C Fishermans Bend Existing New Road Use Hierarchy
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Fishermans Bend Water Sensitive City Strategy - Water Sensitive Drainage and Flood Strategy - Appendix D Hybrid Strategy Development
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Fishermans Bend Water Sensitive City Strategy - Water Sensitive Drainage and Flood Strategy - Appendix E Groundwater Discussion Memorandum
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Fishermans Bend Water Sensitive City Strategy - Water Sensitive Drainage and Flood Strategy - Appendix F MEM-Rainwater Tank Benefits
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Fishermans Bend Water Sensitive City Strategy - Water Sensitive Drainage and Flood Strategy - Appendix G MEM-Levee
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Fishermans Bend Water Sensitive City Strategy - Water Sensitive Drainage and Flood Strategy - Appendix H MEM-0-Pump stations
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Fishermans Bend Water Sensitive City Strategy - Water Sensitive Drainage and Flood Strategy - Appendix I Costing Framework Memorandum
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Fishermans Bend Water Sensitive City Strategy - Water Sensitive Drainage and Flood Strategy - Appendix J MEM-2-Preliminary Cost Estimates for ICP
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Fishermans Bend Water Sensitive City Strategy - Water Sensitive Drainage and Flood Strategy - Appendix K Modelling Review Memorandum
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Fishermans Bend Water Sensitive City Strategy - Water Sensitive Drainage and Flood Strategy - Appendix L Westgate Lakes
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Fishermans Bend Water Sensitive City Strategy - Water Sensitive Drainage and Flood Strategy - Appendix M Comprehensive Strategy Information
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IWM Options and WRP concept design
Fishermans Bend Water Sensitive City Strategy - IWM Options and WRP concept design - Fishermans Bend IWM Options Evaluation GHD Report
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Fishermans Bend Water Sensitive City Strategy - IWM Options and WRP concept design - Fishermans Bend WRP concept design GHD Report
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Fishermans Bend Framework - Fishermans Bend Framework (PDF)
(opens in a new window)
Fishermans Bend Framework - Fishermans Bend Framework - Accessible (Word)
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Public engagement report
Fishermans Bend Framework - Draft Fishermans Bend Framework public engagement report
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Fishermans Bend Framework - Draft Fishermans Bend Framework public engagement report
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Minister for Planning part A response
Fishermans Bend - Planning Review Panel documents - Minister for Planning Part A response - Letter enc part A submission for Minister
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Fishermans Bend - Planning Review Panel documents - Minister for Planning part A response - Minister for Planning part A response
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Fishermans Bend - Planning Review Panel documents - Minister for Planning part A response - Submission spreadsheet
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Amended planning scheme documentation
Fishermans Bend - Planning Review Panel documents - Amended planning scheme documentation - Melbourne GC81 22_lpp27_melb - Part A submission
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Fishermans Bend - Planning Review Panel documents - Amended planning scheme documentation - Melbourne GC81 37_04s4_melb - Part A submission
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Fishermans Bend - Planning Review Panel documents - Amended planning scheme documentation - Melbourne GC81 43_02s67_melb - Part A submission
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Fishermans Bend - Planning Review Panel documents - Amended planning scheme documentation - Melbourne GC81 43_02s67_melb - Part A submission NO TRACK CHANGES
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Fishermans Bend - Planning Review Panel documents - Amended planning scheme documentation - Melbourne GC81 45_09s13_melb - Part A submission
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Fishermans Bend - Planning Review Panel documents - Amended planning scheme documentation - Port Phillip GC81 22_lpp15_port - Part A submission
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Fishermans Bend - Planning Review Panel documents - Amended planning scheme documentation - Port Phillip GC81 37_04s1_port - Part A submission
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Fishermans Bend - Planning Review Panel documents - Amended planning scheme documentation - Port Phillip GC81 43_02s30_port - Part A submission
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Fishermans Bend - Planning Review Panel documents - Amended planning scheme documentation - Port Phillip GC81 43_02s30_port - Part A submission NO TRACK CHANGES
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Fishermans Bend - Planning Review Panel documents - Amended planning scheme documentation - Port Phillip GC81 45_09s1_port - Part A submission
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3D modelling joint conclave
Fishermans Bend - Planning Review Panel documents - 3D modelling joint conclave - Letter to panel and parties - joint conclave
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Fishermans Bend - Planning Review Panel documents - 3D modelling joint conclave - Joint conclave statement
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Minister for Planning Part B response
Site inspection documents
On 20 November 2017, the Planning Review Panel undertook a site inspection with the Fishermans Bend Taskforce. The Taskforce provided the following documents to the panel:
Fishermans Bend - Planning Review Panel documents - Site inspection documents - Panel bus tour map
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Fishermans Bend - Planning Review Panel documents - Site inspection documents - Site tour stop notes
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Expert evidence
Minister for Planning
Fishermans Bend - Planning Review Panel documents - Expert evidence - Minister for Planning - Development viability - Luke Mackintosh
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Fishermans Bend - Planning Review Panel documents - Expert evidence - Minister for Planning - Development viability - Luke Mackintosh - response to Panel request for further information
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Fishermans Bend - Planning Review Panel documents - Expert evidence - Minister for Planning - Economics - Julian Szafraniec
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Fishermans Bend - Planning Review Panel documents - Expert evidence - Minister for Planning - Economics - Julian Szafraniec - response to panel request for further information
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Fishermans Bend - Planning Review Panel documents - Expert evidence - Minister for Planning - Open space - Joanna Thompson
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Fishermans Bend - Planning Review Panel documents - Expert evidence - Minister for Planning - Planning - John Glossop
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Fishermans Bend - Planning Review Panel documents - Expert evidence - Minister for Planning - Strategic transport - Framework peer review - Will Fooks
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Fishermans Bend - Planning Review Panel documents - Expert evidence - Minister for Planning -Strategic transport - Will Fooks - Powerpoint presentation
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Fishermans Bend - Planning Review Panel documents - Expert evidence - Minister for Planning - Strategic transport - Integrated Transport Plan peer review - John Kiriakidis
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Fishermans Bend - Planning Review Panel documents - Expert evidence - Minister for Planning - Strategic transport - John Kiriakidis - Powerpoint presentation
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Fishermans Bend - Planning Review Panel documents - Expert evidence - Minister for Planning - Urban design - Leanne Hodyl
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Fishermans Bend - Planning Review Panel documents - Expert evidence - Minister for Planning - Urban design - Leanne Hodyl - addendum 1
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Fishermans Bend - Planning Review Panel documents - Expert evidence - Minister for Planning - Urban design - Leanne Hodyl - addendum 2
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Fishermans Bend - Planning Review Panel documents - Expert evidence - Minister for Planning - Urban design - Leanne Hodyl - addendum 3
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Fishermans Bend - Planning Review Panel documents - Expert evidence - Minister for Planning - Urban design - Leanne Hodyl - addendum 4
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Fishermans Bend - Planning Review Panel documents - Expert evidence - Minister for Planning - Urban design - Leanne Hodyl - addendum 5
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Fishermans Bend - Planning Review Panel documents - Expert evidence - Minister for Planning - Urban design - Donald Bates
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Fishermans Bend - Planning Review Panel documents - Expert evidence - Minister for Planning - Urban design - Donald Bares - addendum 1
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City of Melbourne
Fishermans Bend - Planning Review Panel documents - Expert evidence - City of Melbourne - Infrastructure funding and delivery - City of Melbourne - Paul Shipp
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Fishermans Bend - Planning Review Panel documents - Expert evidence - City of Melbourne - Sustainability - Euan Williamson
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Fishermans Bend - Planning Review Panel documents - Expert evidence - City of Melbourne - Town planning - Rob Milner
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Fishermans Bend - Planning Review Panel documents - Expert evidence - City of Melbourne - Urban design - Koos de Keijzer
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City of Port Phillip
Fishermans Bend - Planning Review Panel documents - Expert evidence - City of Port Phillip - Affordable housing - Marcus Spiller
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Fishermans Bend - Planning Review Panel documents - Expert evidence - City of Port Phillip - Affordable housing - Marcus Spiller - footnote 8
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Fishermans Bend - Planning Review Panel documents - Expert evidence - City of Port Phillip - Infrastructure funding and delivery - City of Port Phillip - Paul Shipp
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Fishermans Bend - Planning Review Panel documents - Expert evidence - City of Port Phillip - Funding and financing infrastructure case studies - Mesh
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Fishermans Bend - Planning Review Panel documents - Expert evidence - City of Port Phillip - Funding and financing infrastructure case studies - Mesh - Appendices 1-4
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Fishermans Bend - Planning Review Panel documents - Expert evidence - City of Port Phillip -Funding and financing infrastructure case studies - Mesh - Appendices 5-6
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Fishermans Bend - Planning Review Panel documents - Expert evidence - City of Port Phillip - Funding and financing infrastructure case studies - Mesh - Appendices 7-8
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Fishermans Bend - Planning Review Panel documents - Expert evidence - City of Port Phillip - Urban design - Simon McPherson
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Submitter 71
Fishermans Bend - Planning Review Panel documents - Expert evidence - Submitters - Submitter 71 - Transport engineering - Charmaine Dunstan
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Submitters 71, 79, 104, 130, 162 and 196
Fishermans Bend - Planning Review Panel documents - Expert evidence - Submitters - Submitters 71, 79, 104, 130, 162 and 196 - Urban design - Mark Sheppard - Lorimer
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Submitters 71, 79, 87, 90, 91, 94, 95, 96, 104, 120, 130, 131, 149, 150, 162, 173, 175, 182, 196, 207, 217, 242 and 250
Fishermans Bend - Planning Review Panel documents - Expert evidence - Submitters - Submitters 71, 79, 87, 90, 91, 94, 95, 96, 104, 120, 130, 131, 149, 150, 162, 173, 175, 182, 196, 207, 217, 242 and 250 - Urban design - Mark Sheppard
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Submitters 71, 87, 120, 104, 149, 175, 207, 196, 217 and 250
Fishermans Bend - Planning Review Panel documents - Expert evidence - Submitters - Submitters 71, 87, 120, 104, 149, 175, 207, 196, 217 and 250 - Town planning - Andrew Biasci
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Fishermans Bend - Planning Review Panel documents - Expert evidence - Submitters - Submitters 71, 87, 120, 104, 149, 175, 207, 196, 217 and 250 - Town planning - Andrew Biasci - Attachment 1 - Expert witness declaration
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Fishermans Bend - Planning Review Panel documents - Expert evidence - Submitters - Submitters 71, 87, 120, 104, 149, 175, 207, 196, 217 and 250 - Town planning - Andrew Biasci - Attachment 2 - Client group
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Fishermans Bend - Planning Review Panel documents - Expert evidence - Submitters - Submitters 71, 87, 120, 104, 149, 175, 207, 196, 217 and 250 - Transport planning - Charmaine Dunstan
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Submitters 87, 90, 91, 94, 95, 96, 120, 131, 173 and 207
Fishermans Bend - Planning Review Panel documents - Expert evidence - Submitters - Submitters 87, 90, 91, 94, 95, 96, 120, 131, 173 and 207 - Urban design - Mark Sheppard - Montague
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Submitters 89, 163 and 165
Fishermans Bend - Planning Review Panel documents - Expert evidence - Submitters - Submitters 89, 163 and 165 - Town planning - Marco Negri
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Submitters 131, 182, 242 and 250
Fishermans Bend - Planning Review Panel documents - Expert evidence - Submitters - Submitters 131, 182, 242 and 250 - Urban design - Mark Sheppard - Sandridge
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Submitter 147
Fishermans Bend - Planning Review Panel documents - Expert evidence - Submitters - Submitter 147 - Town planning - David Barnes
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Submitter 149
Fishermans Bend - Planning Review Panel documents - Expert evidence - Submitters - Submitter 149 - Urban design - Catherine Heggen
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Submitter 150
Fishermans Bend - Planning Review Panel documents - Expert evidence - Submitters - Submitter 150 - Environmental wind conditions - Michael Eaddy and William Melbourne
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Submitter 175
Fishermans Bend - Planning Review Panel documents - Expert evidence - Submitters - Submitter 175 - Urban design - Catherine Heggen
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Submitters 217, 150 and 131
Fishermans Bend - Planning Review Panel documents - Expert evidence - Submitters - Submitters 217, 150 and 131 - Urban design - Mark Sheppard - Wirraway
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Submitter 220
Fishermans Bend - Planning Review Panel documents - Expert evidence - Submitters - Submitter 220 - Planning - Brendan Rogers
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Fishermans Bend - Planning Review Panel documents - Expert evidence - Submitters - Submitter 220 - Transport planning - Charmaine Dunstan
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Various submitters
Fishermans Bend - Various Submitters - Economics - Ian Shimmin
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Fishermans Bend - Planning Review Panel documents - Expert evidence - Submitters - Various submitters - Town planning - Stuart McGurn - Part A
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Fishermans Bend - Planning Review Panel documents - Expert evidence - Submitters - Various submitters - Town planning - Stuart McGurn - Part B
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Planning Review Panel Reports
Fishermans Bend - Planning Review Panel documents - Planning Review Panel Reports - Planning Review Panel – Report 1 Volume 1
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Fishermans Bend - Planning Review Panel Reports - Planning Review Panel – Report 1 Volume 2
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Fishermans Bend - Planning Review Panel documents - Planning Review Panel Reports - Planning Review Panel – Report 2 – Lorimer Precinct
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Fishermans Bend - Planning Review Panel documents - Planning Review Panel Reports - Planning Review Panel – Report 3 – Montague Precinct
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Fishermans Bend - Planning Review Panel Reports - Planning Review Panel – Report 4 – Sandridge Precinct
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Fishermans Bend - Planning Review Panel Reports - Planning Review Panel – Report 5 – Wirraway Precinct
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Supplementary information
Minister for Planning supplementary part B submission
Fishermans Bend - Planning Review Panel documents - Supplementary information - Minister for Planning supplementary part B submission - Supplementary Part B Submission for the Minister for Planning
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Fishermans Bend - Planning Review Panel documents - Supplementary information - Minister for Planning supplementary part B submission - Combined CCZ Schedule - Minister for Planning revisions to Doc 66e - 28 March 2018
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Fishermans Bend - Planning Review Panel documents - Supplementary information - Minister for Planning supplementary part B submission - Minister for Planning revised maps for CCZ DDO and MSS - 29 March 2018
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Supplementary information notes (SIN)
Fishermans Bend - Planning Review Panel documents - Supplementary information - SIN 1 - The proponent for draft Amendment GC81
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Fishermans Bend - Planning Review Panel documents - Supplementary information - SIN 2 - Rationale for resident population target of 80,000
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Fishermans Bend - Planning Review Panel documents - Supplementary information - SIN 2 - Attachment 1
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Fishermans Bend - Planning Review Panel documents - Supplementary information - SIN 2 - Attachment 2
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Fishermans Bend - Planning Review Panel documents - Supplementary information - SIN 2 - Attachment 3
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Fishermans Bend - Planning Review Panel documents - Supplementary information - SIN 2 - Attachment 4
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Fishermans Bend - Planning Review Panel documents - Supplementary information - SIN 3 - Supplementary and supporting data from DELWP demographer - includes 6 attachments
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Fishermans Bend - Planning Review Panel documents - Supplementary information - SIN 4 - Attachment 1
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Fishermans Bend - Planning Review Panel documents - Supplementary information - SIN 5 - Application of PAO and relationship with s201F of PE Ac
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Fishermans Bend - Planning Review Panel documents - Supplementary information - SIN 6 - FAU under C270 controls
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Fishermans Bend - Planning Review Panel documents - Supplementary information - SIN 6 - Attachment 1
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Fishermans Bend - Planning Review Panel documents - Supplementary information - SIN 6 - Attachment 2
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Fishermans Bend - Planning Review Panel documents - Supplementary information - SIN 6 - Attachment 3Fishermans Bend - Planning Review Panel documents - Supplementary information - SIN 6 - Attachment 3Fishermans Bend - Planning Review Panel documents - Sup
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Fishermans Bend - Planning Review Panel documents - Supplementary information - SIN 6 - Attachment 4
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Fishermans Bend - Planning Review Panel documents - Supplementary information - SIN 6 - Attachment 5
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Fishermans Bend - Planning Review Panel documents - Supplementary information - SIN 7 - FAU and community infrastructure
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Fishermans Bend - Planning Review Panel documents - Supplementary information - SIN 7 - Attachment 1
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Fishermans Bend - Planning Review Panel documents - Supplementary information - SIN 8 - Affordable housing
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Fishermans Bend - Planning Review Panel documents - Supplementary information - SIN 8 - Attachment 1
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Fishermans Bend - Planning Review Panel documents - Supplementary information - SIN 8 - Attachment 2
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Fishermans Bend - Planning Review Panel documents - Supplementary information - SIN 8 - Attachment 3
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Fishermans Bend - Planning Review Panel documents - Supplementary information - SIN 9 - Responding to Port Phillip on community infrastructure
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Fishermans Bend - Planning Review Panel documents - Supplementary information - SIN 10 - Analysis of existing commercial FAR and combined existing commercial and residential FAR
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Fishermans Bend - Planning Review Panel documents - Supplementary information - SIN 10 - Attachment 1
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Fishermans Bend - Planning Review Panel documents - Supplementary information - SIN 10 - Attachment 2
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Fishermans Bend - Planning Review Panel documents - Supplementary information - SIN 10 - Attachment 3
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Fishermans Bend - Planning Review Panel documents - Supplementary information - SIN 11 - Precinct plans
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Fishermans Bend - Planning Review Panel documents - Supplementary information - SIN 12 - Planning provisons incorporating design review panel process
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Fishermans Bend - Planning Review Panel documents - Supplementary information - SIN 12 - Attachment 1
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Fishermans Bend - Planning Review Panel documents - Supplementary information - SIN 12 - Attachment 2
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Fishermans Bend - Planning Review Panel documents - Supplementary information - SIN 13 - Policies encouraging housing diversity
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Fishermans Bend - Planning Review Panel documents - Supplementary information - SIN 13 - Attachment 1
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Ministerial Advisory Committee
Fishermans Bend - Ministerial Advisory Committee - Report to the Minister for Planning on draft Fishermans Bend Framework
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Fishermans Bend - Ministerial Advisory Committee - Fishermans Bend Ministerial Advisory Committee - Innovation, Evidence and Outcomes Forum: Final Report
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Fishermans Bend - Ministerial Advisory Committee - Fishermans Bend Ministerial Advisory Committee Terms of Reference April 2016
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Fishermans Bend - Ministerial Advisory Committee - Ministerial Advisory Committee Report - October 2015
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Fishermans Bend - Ministerial Advisory Committee - Ministerial Advisory Committee Report One - Recommendations and Ministerial Response
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Drainage Reports
Fishermans Bend - Framework Background Reports - Drainage Reports - GHD Baseline Drainage Plan Report
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Fishermans Bend - Framework Background Reports - Drainage Reports - GHD Appendices
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Framework background reports
Fishermans Bend - Framework background reports - Fishermans Bend Integrated Transport Plan, 2017 - Transport for Victoria
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Fishermans Bend - Framework background reports - Fishermans Bend Aboriginal Cultural Values Interpretation Strategy, 2017
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Fishermans Bend - Framework background reports - Fishermans Bend Baseline Utility Assessment Report, 2016 - GHD - Part A
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Fishermans Bend - Framework background reports - Fishermans Bend Baseline Utility Assessment Report, 2016 - GHD - Part B
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Fishermans Bend - Framework background reports - Fishermans Bend Buffer Assessment, 2016 - GHD - Part A
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Fishermans Bend - Framework background reports - Fishermans Bend Buffer Assessment, 2016 - GHD - Part B
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Fishermans Bend - Framework background reports - Fishermans Bend Community Infrastructure Plan 2017,
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Fishermans Bend - Framework background reports - Fishermans Bend Economic and Employment Study, 2016
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Fishermans Bend - Framework Background Reports - Fishermans Bend Population and Demographic Report, 2017
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Fishermans Bend - Framework Background Reports - Fishermans Bend Heritage Study, 2016
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Life on the bend - a social history study of Fishermans Bend, Melbourne
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Fishermans Bend - Framework Background reports - Social history resources: a guide - Context
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Fishermans Bend - Framework Background Reports - Fishermans Bend Preliminary Land Contamination Study - Employment Precinct, 2016 - Golder - Part A
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Fishermans Bend - Framework Background Reports - Fishermans Bend Preliminary Land Contamination Study - Employment Precinct, 2016 - Golder - Part B
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Fishermans Bend - Framework Background Reports - Fishermans Bend Precinct Preliminary - Land Contamination Study
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Fishermans Bend - Framework Background Reports - Fishermans Bend Public Space Strategy, 2017 - Planisphere - Part A
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Fishermans Bend - Framework Background Reports - Fishermans Bend Public Space Strategy, 2017 - Planisphere - Part B
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Fishermans Bend - Framework Background Reports - Fishermans Bend Public Space Strategy, 2017 - Planisphere - Part C
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Fishermans Bend - Framework background reports - Fishermans Bend Smart Cities Framework, 2016 - WSP Parsons Brinckerhoff
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Fishermans Bend - Framework background reports - Fishermans Bend Sustainability Strategy, 2017- Fishermans Bend Taskforce
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Fishermans Bend - Framework background reports - Urban Design Strategy, 2017 - Hodyl & Co
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Fishermans Bend - Framework background reports - Fishermans Bend Waste and Resource Recovery Strategy, 2017 - MWRRG
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Fishermans Bend Baseline Groundwater Quality Assessment, 2016 - AECOM
Fishermans Bend - Framework background reports - Fishermans Bend Climate Readiness Strategy - Organising Framework 201, prepared by AECOM/Rambol
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Fishermans Bend - Framework background reports - Fishermans Bend Net Zero Emissions Strategy Baseline Assessment 2018 - Point Advisory/Aurecon
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Fishermans Bend - Framework background reports - Fishermans Bend Net Zero Carbon Strategy 2018 - Point Advisory
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Fishermans Bend - Framework background reports - Fishermans Bend Review of Sustainability Standards 2018 - ARUP
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Fishermans Bend - Framework background reports - Fishermans Bend Urban Renewal Area Retail Assessment 2018 - Essential Economics
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Fishermans Bend - Framework background reports - Fishermans Bend Urban Renewal Area Retail Assessment - Detailed Model Results 2018
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Additional background reports
Fishermans Bend - Framework background reports - Additional background reports - Governance and the Smart City - EoT 2016
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Fishermans Bend - Framework background reports - Additional background reports - Public space strategy - stage 3 final gap analysis - Planisphere 2017
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Transport reports
Fishermans Bend - Framework background reports - Transport reports - Letter to panel - response to direction 23
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Fishermans Bend - Framework background reports - Transport reports - 1 - Fishermans Bend public transport and active mode link report
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Fishermans Bend - Framework background reports - Transport reports - 2 - Improving connectivity in Fishermans Bend (partially redacted) - Jacobs
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Fishermans Bend - Framework background reports - Transport Reports - 3.1 - Public transport active mode link and connectivity study (partially redacted) - Jacobs - part 1
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Fishermans Bend - Framework background reports - Transport reports - 3.2 - Public transport active mode link and connectivity study (partially redacted) - Jacobs - part 2
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Fishermans Bend - Framework background reports - Transport reports - 4 - Freight Corridor advisory Report - redacted in part
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Fishermans Bend - Framework background reports - Transport reports -5.1 - Fishermans Bend Metro Alignment and Feasibility Options Report - part 1 (p1-98)
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Fishermans Bend - Framework Background Reports - Transport Reports - 5.2 - Fishermans Bend Metro Alignment and Feasibility Options Report - part 2 (p99-116)
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Fishermans Bend - Framework background reports - Transport Reports - 5.3 - Fishermans Bend Metro Alignment and Feasibility Options Report - part 3 (p117-132)
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Fishermans Bend - Framework background reports - Transport reports - 5.4 - Fishermans Bend Metro Alignment and Feasibility Options Report - part 4 (p133-150)
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Fishermans Bend - Framework Background Reports - Transport reports - 5.5 - Fishermans Bend Metro Alignment and Feasibility Options Report - part 5 (p151-168)
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Fishermans Bend - Framework background reports - Transport reports - 5.6 - Fishermans Bend Metro Alignment and Feasibility Options Report - part 6 (p169 to 231)
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Fishermans Bend - Framework Background reports - Transport Reports - 6 - Fishermans Bend tram extension VITM modelling report - DEDJTR
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Fishermans Bend - Framework Background reports - Transport reports - 7 - Microsimulation modelling of Port Junction and Spencer/Clarendon corridor - GTA
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Fishermans Bend - Framework Background Reports - Transport Reports - 8 - Fishermans Bend precinct car parking opportunities - GTA
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